June 5, 2010

A Precious Moment

I overheard our 3 1/2 year old daughter say this prayer the other day, while in the midst of her playtime...

"Thank you Jesus that there's no lions or tigers in our house and that you don't let them in. Amen."

June 2, 2010

Out and About

Monday I decided we needed to get out of the house for a while so after a trip to the library to swap over some books, we headed to a nearby park to have a picnic lunch and play.

By chance, we met up with some friends which made the time even more enjoyable. While there, we heard the constant beating of drums which we soon discovered was due to a couple of people practising (presumably for a gig) on a jetty at the other end of the park. They had varying sorts of tribal drums.

On approach, my daughter began dancing with all her might to the beat. There was no accompanying music, just purely the beat, and she just loved it!

Must be the fact that drumming is in our family has something to do with the delight she took in dancing around to the beat - my dad and my husband have been drummers in the past and my brother does regular gigs with his drumming. Mmmm... Maybe drumming lessons OR dancing lessons might be in the future.

Today was an Underwater World day. We have annual passes so we tend to visit every few weeks or so, but our daughter never seems to tire of looking at the same things over and over.

A lunch time treat

She does actually like this guy - it was just a long day!